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Andrew Glaser

I was born in 1980 on Long Island, NY.  I am the decedent of Holocaust Survivors.  I am a human being.  As a human being, I've had many experiences and will have many more.  

I've experienced people who have deeply cared for me.  I've experienced those same people hurting me with and without intent.  

I've experienced rebirth - coming back from depth.  I've experienced the despair in doubting a rebuilding was even possible.

I've experienced loneliness.  I've experienced a deeper connection to humans than I ever thought possible. 

I've experienced shame, self-hate, doubt, and an overactive mind.  I've experienced self-love, care, calm and confidence.

I've experienced being the hero.  I've experienced being the villain. 

I've experienced love.

I've experienced power and prestige.  I've also experienced significant falls from high perches.

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